Your experience starts with a consultation either via phone, in person or through email. During consultation we will go over all the details regarding your dream session, your needs and wants and most importantly so we can get to know you better.
2. Your session
This is where the magic happens. Your session day is going to start with a professional hair and make up artist to pamper you and make you feel gorgeous. Then we will start off the shooting part. We will pose and direct you so don’t you worry if you don't have any experience, we’ve got you! We will train you on the spot and we will have a ton of fun !
3. Reveal and ordering appointment
Get ready for some emotions! This is where you will re-live your session one more time! You will see your images for the first time! We will start off with a beautiful slideshow on the big screen TV off all the best images and then we will help you choose the ones you love the most. You only purchase what you love!
4. Delivery
We will hand deliver your images to your home personally. You will be able to hold your portraits in your hands for the first time.
Ready to book? Any questions? Inquire about your dream session now! Click below and let’s chat!

"I leave you my portrait so that you will have my presence all the days and nights that I am away from you"
Frida Kahlo