1. If nursing, try to avoid eating anything that will cause gas and might upset baby’s tummy for 24 hours prior to your scheduled session. (if you know the culprit, try to avoid it) A gassy baby will be difficult to pose during the session due to their little tummy being upset. Examples of foods that may upset baby's tummy:



Brussels sprouts










Citrus fruits

*If baby happens to be gassy the day of your session, Oval or Gripe Water can be used to help ease baby’s discomfort.

2. Interact with and keep baby awake for 1-2 hours before your session to ensure he/she is good and sleepy for the session. This is very important. Without this, we spend too much time getting them to sleep and not as much time photographing them. *Stimulating baby with a bath or by doing ‘naked time’ prior to the session are some tricks that you can use! If you are travelling for your session and baby falls asleep on the road, not to worry, I will likely get started right away with baby if she is fast asleep upon arrival at the studio.

3. Please make sure your little one has a full belly for the session. Depending where you are coming from, because we are 20 minutes outside Saskatoon, I ask that you time your feedings so as to be able to give her a full feed once you have arrived at the studio, OR if it can't wait give them a full feed right before you leave. If baby is bottle feeding, please bring extra bottles and milk (formula or breastmilk) - (babies work up quite the appetite being constantly moved around in the warm studio). Also, baby should be fed as much as possible in the 12 hours that precede the session. This will allow for baby to sleep as deeply and as long as possible. *A full baby = a sleepy baby, and we need a very sleepy and calm baby in order to achieve the sweet, flexible poses you see in my portfolio. I may ask you to ignore a strict feeding schedule for the 2.5 hours at the session. The only way we will achieve calm, flexible poses is if baby is fully satiated and sleeping. I would rather have you give baby an extra feeding than have you worry that baby isn’t sleeping

4. Dress baby in loose fitting clothes to avoid any lines on baby’s skin and to avoid disturbing baby when getting undressed. A simple sleeper is best. Please avoid onesies or anything that has to be pulled off over baby’s head.(zippered sleepers are the best!) *Your newborn will be photographed in his/her birthday suit for the majority of the session but we pay careful attention to ensure baby bits are not exposed in any photos. (PLEASE notify me if you prefer to have your newborn dressed, or covered up for their session)

5. Bring a pacifier – they can be very helpful during the session!

6. The studio will be kept warm to keep your little one warm while being photographed.

7. When you arrive, please leave baby in the car seat when bringing her into the studio. I will remove baby very slowly in the warm studio to avoid disturbing them as much as possible.

8. Siblings/family portion of the session is usually done at the end of the session. If you feel like it is best to do them at the beginning just let me know so I can plan the session accordingly. Bring some entertainment for them so they are not bored during the session. Books, toys, an ipad to watch movies is always a good bet. Also bring some light snacks so they are not getting super hungry and water. 


9. During the session, sit back and relax. Take advantage of this time to rest in the studio (I’m sure you need it!). Parents will often watch Netflix , answer emails or read in my studio while I work with your new little one. I’ve even had some parents take a nap!


Please wear something neutral (white, black or grey) A nice fitting T-shirt or long sleeve shirt for Dad and a tank or long sleeve shirt for Mom. Keep the same color for both of you if you can. Same dress for siblings, simple is better. A simple single color dress in neutral, pastel or denim for girls. A T-shirt or long sleeve shirt paired with jeans for boys. Avoid neon colors or anything that will color cast onto babie's skin as well as logos or anything that is distracting.

Studio Address

My studio is located at 19 Main Street in Clavet, SK.

Once you enter the village go down main street until the stop sign. It is the grey house on the left side just before the stop sign.

Newborn Prep Guide

Making this moment last forever, one photo at a time.